Our Approach

CTIC design and implement individual and comprehensive PM programs that cater for the specific nature of each project and the industry it operates in. Projects are categorised according to the operating environment, type of products to be manufactured, production line, production volume and scalability, material requirements, technology and equipment requirements and engineering processes. Incorporating industry best practices is always our prime objective when tailoring our PM programs. This allows our clients to continuously bench-mark against leaders in similar industries for continuous improvements.  Primarily we follow 3 stages to complete our projects.

Stage 1 –  Planning

  • Project appraisal/evaluation
  • Feasibility study for new industrial projects
  • Market research and studies
  • Competitors analysis
  • Product identification with potential marketability
  • Location and site research and development
  • Development plans for new and existing industrial project
  • Engineering and products research & development
  • Concept development reports supported with valid and accurate data
  • Project requirements, production capacity and estimated costs

Stage 2 – Project Development

CTIC Project Development expertise offers professional and inclusive industrial consultancy services ranging from project planning, project co-ordination, setting milestones, control and monitors projects progress to ensure timely compliance with project completion schedules and estimated budgets.

  • Identify and prepare project requirements and specifications
  • Budgeting and cost allocation
  • Equipment / design process flow line
  • Equipment specification and performance
  • Equipment allocation / source and supplier
  • Equipment tendering / (invitation to tender)
  • Formal acceptance of tender
  • Contract documents / contract agreement
  • Finance and payment terms & bank guarantee related to the project.
  • Divide project into manageable tasks
  • Group and priorities project activities according to their inter-connectivity
  • Outsourcing expertise and skills requirements
  • Team structure, workflow and communication structure
  • Outsourcing technology requirements
  • Site allocation, construction and foundation design
  • Define milestones and set timelines
  • Allocate and distribute activities to specialized experts and staff
  • Progress follow-up mechanism

Stage 3 –   Implementation and Control

The main function of the Implementation & Control system in any type of industrial operation is to deliver projects according to specifications, timelines; financial control; project progress reporting and communicating progress to all stakeholders.

CTIC follows efficient project management and delivery in the implementation and control phase to ensure successful delivery of the project according to specifications, timeline and budget. The following are highlights of the process we undertake to deliver successful projects.

1.0 – Plant Equipment. / Process equipment – ( Program includes engineering, technical specification & financial aspects follow up)

1.1 – Equipment Allocation / Source
1.2 – Physical completion of equipment installation.
1.3 – Plant and equipment commissioned and proved.
1.4 – Laboratory equipment installation
1.5 – Equipment installation./ commissioning etc.
1.6 – Equipment testing
1.7 – Equipment inspection upon delivery and compliance to agreed specifications

2.0 -Site Allocation.

2.1 – General Description.
2.2 – Soil Bearing-etc.
2.3 – Soil testing/bearing-etc

3.0 – Site Building and Structures

3.1 – Site construction according to plans
3.2 – Interior design and production stations allocations
3.3 – Compliance with OH&S standards

4.0 – Raw materials.

4.1 – Rm chemical analysis, according to product chemical formulation
4.2 – Rm specification confirmation
4.3 – Rm source allocation.
4.4 – Raw materials ordering schedule / inventory control etc.
4.5 – Waste management and disposal

5.0 – Utilities.

5.1 – Electric generators installations
5.2 – Water Well
5.3 – Primary water treatment (filtration, pH, and hardness control etc.)
5.4 – Fuel / thermal oi

6.0 – Marketing Strategy

6.1 – Product technical catalogues
6.2 – Product market strategies
6.3 – Product for export markets
6.4 – Product development
6.5 – Market the products in the local market
6.6 – Market the products in around the world

7.0 – Research and development

7.1 – Setting in house factory research and development
7.2 – Develop existing and new products
7.3 – Link in house R&D with international centers so as the operation is up to date with the chemical manufacturing technology

8.0 – Organisation Structure & HR Management

8.1 – Design organisational structures
8.2 – Recruit staff required for the operation at all levels.
8.3 – Train and develop new recruits at management and operational level.